Trooper Youth Week Application



Please complete the required fields. Fields with a red asterisk (*) are required fields and must be completed before submitting the request.


To be eligible for this program, Applicant must be 16 to 17 years of age. The Applicant must not have reached their 18th birthday prior to the graduation date of their Trooper Youth Week class.


The required essay must be a minimum of 500 words. Failure to submit the required essay will result in non-selection.


Note: Please download, complete, and submit the school certification, reference, and physician medical approval forms along with your application


1. Applicant Information - to be completed by Student



Race or Ethnic Group (Completion of this question is voluntary. The requested information will be kept confidential and used for statistical purposes.)

Race or Ethnic

Parent/Guardian Information

Address if different from above (Number & Street, City, State, ZIP Code)

2. Essay - to be completed by Student

The applicant shall submit an essay describing leadership traits they consider important and how these attributes relate to the law enforcement profession.

The essay may meet or exceed 500 words but shall not be less than the 500 words minimum. Failure to submit the required essay may result in non-selection.

Applicants must submit essays in either Word or PDF format.

3. Required Downloadable documentation for Trooper Youth Week Application

School Guidance Counselor: S.P. 894_School Certification

References: S.P. 894_Reference

Physician: S.P. 894_Physician Medical Approval (The physical examination must be completed within one year of the application submission date.)


All additional attachments will be uploaded after your initial submission.

4. Reference

5. Select the Trooper Youth Week Class Dates - to be completed by Parent/Guardian

**You will be notified as to your acceptance in the program and date of attendance as decisions are finalized**

Select Class Dates